Sydney (BZZ) – Aus Australien wird die Rückkehr einer Halal-Directory ins Netz gemeldet. Nachstehend die Originalnachricht von für jene, die sich für den islamischen Lifestyle „downunder“ interessieren.
The team is pleased to announce the long awaited return of its directory with the launch of will be a FREE to use and list comprehensive directory of:
– Businesses + trades that cater to the needs of the Muslim community
– Mosques Australia wide
– Islamic organisations
– Halal Restaurants
– Halal products (coming soon)
– Classifieds – for sale, jobs, rentals, etc
– Discount Deals – you will be able to save $$ at restaurants + businesses
Our intention is to make available to everyone so our pricing model starts from $0 to list – yes FREE ! – whether your an individual selling something or a Halal Restaurant wanting to promote your business. We will of course have paid listings for those that want to really promote their business, product, etc.
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