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German lauds Malaysia’s pioneering work in Halal

30/09/2010 Baltext Publishing 0

A German expert on halal certification has praised Malaysia for the “pioneering work” it has done in the field of halal food processing. Mahmoud M. Tatari, the general manager of Ruesselsheim-based Halal Control e.V., which verifies the authenticity of halal products and issues halal certification to manufacturers and food processors in Europe, said the agency was also recognised by the Islamic Development Department of Malaysia (JAKIM).

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Handel prüft die Einführung eines Halal-Siegels

18/09/2010 Baltext Publishing 0

„100 Prozent halal“, verheißt das Werbelogo des deutsch-türkischen Lebensmittelforums DTFOOD für die Europäische Halal-Konferenz. Der Absatz von Halal-Speisen, die islamischen Geboten entsprechen, boomt weltweit. Auf vier bis fünf Milliarden Euro veranschlagt DTFOOD das derzeitige Marktvolumen in Deutschland, Tendenz steigend.